Give More Effective Interviews

The best reason to give an interview is to advance an agenda – and controlling the outcome is crucial. One favorable soundbite can produce huge bottom-line benefits to an organization; a poor performance can mean a waste of resources at best and disaster at worst.

THREE’s media training sessions teach senior executives and officials to communicate effectively with television, newspaper, radio, and online reporters around the world.


Deliver Presentations with Confidence

Public speaking can bring amazing opportunities your way. There are few skills more widely valued or admired than the ability to speak in front of a group. You can set yourself apart by doing it well.

THREE shows professionals how to develop and deliver all types of presentations and speeches with style and self-confidence. Our intensive hands-on coaching features a combination of on-camera practice on performance/delivery and content development with tips on how to crystallize and organize information into a persuasive and compelling narrative, plus an overview of visuals called “Avoiding Death By PowerPoint.


Develop Compelling Messaging and Storytelling

The simple fact is that people respond to stories. People aren’t moved to action by lots of dry data, or complicated PowerPoint slides. They are moved and engaged by storytelling. And that is why storytelling is so important in your presentations. Storytelling makes it easier for you to engage people and get their attention.

Over the last several decades psychologists have studied how stories affect the human mind, and results have repeatedly shown that our attitudes, fears, hopes, and values are strongly influenced by stories. In fact, stories are more effective at changing beliefs than information that is specifically designed to persuade through argument and evidence.

THREE has created a specialized methodology for turning essential information into powerful messaging. Using a proprietary brainstorming technique and a series of worksheets and templates we’ve developed, participants learn how to rapidly organize their thoughts and put them into clear and compelling language for interviews and presentations.


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